Thursday, June 26, 2008

Stupid Athlete Tricks Part Deux

I normally don't post about baseball, but this story has got to be hilarious on several different levels. For those who haven't heard about this, here's the story:

Shawn Chacon, a pitcher for the Houston Astros was sitting in the dining room before a game with Texas. Chacon had already been demoted to the bullpen earlier for basically not playing well (2-3 with a 5.04 ERA, in 15 starts). The GM of the Astros, Ed Wade, comes by and tells Chacon that he wants to talk to him and Cecil Cooper (the manager) in Cooper's office. Chacon tells his GM that he doesn't want to go into the office with the two of them and if there's something that he wants to say to him, he could do it right there. The GM (per Chacon's account) starts cussing and yelling at Chacon to which Chacon says 'Ed, you need to calm down and not yell at me'. Wade continues to yell and Chacon stands up and tells Wade again that he needs to 'stop yelling at me'. So, at some point, Chacon loses it and grabs Wade by the neck and throws him to the ground and then jumps on top of him. Some more words were exchanged and the incident was broken up by some players, who separated the two. Afterwards, Chacon is suspended indefinitely by the team for 'insubordination'.

Wow, this has got to be some funny stuff. You mean to tell me that a grown man, Chacon, grabbed a 'growner' man in Ed Wade (52 years old) by the neck because he was mad? My thoughts are that this kid should be happy that he isn't in jail. You attack your boss's boss and you are still employed? I can imagine that in my line of work, I'd be writing this from jail had I done this. Ok, let's go through this,........your boss comes over to you while you're eating lunch to tell you that he needs to talk to you (like right now!!!!). That's kind of wrong because the dude was eating. Can I finish eating? So, I put the blame on that with Wade. The fact that Chacon told him 'no' I feel is fair. Not the most intelligent thing to do if you want to keep your job, but it's a fair thing to say when I'm in mid-chew. Now Chacon saying that 'you can say anything that you need to say to me, right here', kind of upped the ante. Wade probably thought he was being disrespected and so his blood went up. From there, Wade being the elder statesman probably should have taken the lead and said, 'you know what, you finish eating and then you come to talk to me'. (He might have had his pink slip waiting on him, but hey, it keeps the violence out of the work place). Now we're to the juicy part,......Chacon grabs Wade (the GM of the Astros, your boss's boss, the man) by the neck. I know he was mad because that's the dude that makes sure you have a check ($2M this year) and you just pulled a Latrell Sprewell on the dude. To add to this, Chacon slams him on the floor (wasn't there anyone near these two when this popped off?) and jumps on top of him. I haven't seen Wade and don't know him, but I imagine that he isn't used to having a grown man jump on him after being thrown to the floor (unless he's into Karate/Judo/something). Don't people think anymore? Again, you're getting paid to play a game, for millions of dollars and you attack the dude that's paying your check. Not too smart for career planning.

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