Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm in the wrong business

I knew that when I read all of these stories about CEOs begin fired and still being handed packages for millions of dollars as they walk out the door, that I was in the wrong business. All of this because they did a horriawful job of running the company AND they get paid? Then you get this news that the Packers have offered Brett Favre $20M over a number of years for him to quit playing football for good. Are you kidding me?!?!? You feel that Aaron Rodgers is that much better of a QB than Brett that you'll give Brett $20M to NOT come out of retirement?!?! Momma and Daddy, where did you guys go wrong? I mean you should have pushed me through the injuries that I had and forced me to play football if this is one of the possible payoffs. I mean $20M isn't what it used to be, you know with the Euro as strong as it is,.....nah I can't even go there,....$20M is $20M. It must be nice to be hated that much. How much money would you pay someone to go away? Trust me, you could get me to go away on the cheap, only $2M. Any takers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This topic digs deep and i'm not even a effin' packers fan! the org is simply trying to pay that bitch the last two years of his contract to stay in mi-crooked letter, crooked letter, i (you know the rest) and stay the hell away from GB. that faggot's ego has gotten in the way once again and the org will suffer for it. brett "everyone look at me" favre should show up at the presser in pumps, halter top and mini skirt and represent the ho-bitch that he is. anyone else who had tried to do this would have been summarily dismissed, but nooooo, the effin' commissioner has to stick his effin' nose in it and make it worse (self-serving mothphuqa!). i'll never wish harm on anyone, but i hope that the gay man wearing #4 throws nothing but interceptions. how glorious will it be to see (at least for me) that attention seeking son-of-a-bitch get benched. yet another example of an athlete NOT taking the opportunity to GET THE HELL OUT when the time is best for ALL CONCERNED. they say, "he gives them the best chance to win now." but what does that really mean when GB finished their season just like my beloved Redskins did, with a effin' loss! being close doesn't count!